Merantau banyak menjadikan diriku kenal alam ciptaanNya dan lebih mendekatkanku dengan yang Maha Pencipta. Dan mengajarku erti tawakal..
Thursday, June 25, 2009
aik?? aku seorang je>>
nk dijdkn cerita..........kena hantar "love letter" sbb lmbat ,....
*whats wrong with me ???? HELP
Friday, June 19, 2009
About Me>>>
We are all humans,
We are all the same,
We have hairs grows on our heads,
Hearts beats in each of our chest,
But I the same way,
We are also different from one another…
There’s a fine line that differentiate us,
Each of us has different soul,
And different desires,
Different goals need to be achieved…
We have our own strength,
We have our own weaknesses,
In a way,
Those things make us different,
Different does make us weird,
Nor odd in any way,
But it makes us unique,
Special in our own way…
Our strength makes us special,
Our weakness makes us vulnerable,
Don’t be ashamed due to our weakness,
Make it into our element,
Don’t be a clone,
Be your natural self…
Do not look at me for my strength,
Do not judge me through my weakness,
But look and judge me, for who I am,
For my uniqueness lies within me,
The fact is,
I PROUD of it…
Thursday, June 18, 2009
it doesn't take much
Friday, June 12, 2009
whats in my mind right now???
actually none of these were playing in my head>>
these that have been palying like a film in my head and i do really miss the times...
these that always be in my dreams
these that always be my first choice if i can turn the time
these that i want to experience it once more..........and appreciate every seconds,minutes......days.....

COngRATulaTions !!

OK la...i give them a chance to mencapap once..hahaha
there are some pict that i manage to snap throughout the majlis...
huhuhu...there's no pict of me..waaaa.......(next time dont want to be a photographer anymore)
Here are the pictures............

weee,..... at least i manage to find a picture with me in it (hate to waiting the pict frm the shop)......hahaha.... dont want to be a photographer anymore *swr
HRMIS - Kemaskini Diskripsi Tugas
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