then i went to my kg....... BaLIK KAMPunG weee........ today will be a YB trip as i went to some of the folk's home near my kampung.... then i went to dusun... WAHh....... MUSim BUAH2an....
that's what i love so much about balik kampung...... here some pict that i manage to snap........
that's all for now.....hehhe.... it takes so long to plucked all .. but it only take a few minutes for me to eat all of..... hehehe............
p/s: too exhausted to write some more...............
Vote FOR LOCAL Fruit!!! ^-'
i know tat yellow thingy!!tp lupa!!!ishk*ishks*ihsk
ReplyDeletewhat tat yellow thing??? my dad asked me>>> but i dont he asked me to find the answer>>>huhu