MOm!!! akak dh bli Nasi.............
mummy always having a feeling that are so mystery to be described by words or even a research..........
since my first week here........ I ate nothing except BREAD..........GARDENIA...........BREAD...........GARDENIA and more bread and Gardenia..
can be said that everyday at least 4 times my mum or my dad will call and asked whether had i took my lunch or dinner or even ate a single plate of nasi...........
^-" not to lie.... as they asked me .. are u had had lunch or dinner??? i told them YES!! But never specified abt what i've eaten.... if only they asked then only i told them.............
* cubalah bg mak n ayah senang hati sket ngn kamu nih................
actually bknnya x nk.......... But the foods here is too Expensive!!!!!!! and not even Taste TASTY!??
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