
for sure very catchy tagline .........
esp for my fren that thinkks that its hard for me to fall in love and they might be wonder who's the luckiest man ever ??? hahahaha..
esp for my fren that thinkks that its hard for me to fall in love and they might be wonder who's the luckiest man ever ??? hahahaha..

as i get bored stayed alone in my room, i on my lappy and then suddenly....(knn2 la ) i heard his song............ sgt sedap.......... till make me feel likes the world is the quiet and peaceful place eva... giving me space and time to do some reflection abt the Beauty and the Greatness of Him.......
for my frens sorry...........hes mine............hehehe... (*gedz)

sami waiting to had his Honoured doctor of Letters award................. haha.. i knew him since...i knew him la..... but i dnt fall in love with his good look... but i'm fallin in love with a beautiful voice that he had................. actually the first time i'm fallin in love with him..... i never knew who's Sami Yusuf?? or is he is Good looking??? the only things that i know is he has such a beautiful voice that make all the audience shouted out loud............. and make me all crazy........hehehe...

good looking.......
and so many good things......... but i'm not trying to say that he's perfect............ as we the servant has our own weakness........Humble............
good looking.......
Surely ....now.. in my real life it's getting harder for me to find a PHM like him...... *hoping that he'll choose me.. :P..
very rare............ thats the only things that can be describe abt the people nwadays......... if i want to find someone just like Sami Yusuf............. Insya Allah............
i hold to the principe that
" Org yang baik2 akn mendapt jodh yang baik2........ maka lelaki yang baik dan soleh akan mendapat pasangan yang baik2 dan solehah".............
begitu juga sebaliknya.....
begitu juga sebaliknya.....
we call him Ustz Wan.... my previous ustaz in MRSM Langkawi.. *just love to put this pict as i think that they look alike............ hehehe.......
ustaz wan also had such a beautiful voice like Sami too...................... my first love...........hehehe.......... just his voice... i like when he's reciting Al-Fatihah...as he recite it in a very unique way and in such beautiful melody..........*btul ke melody......ntah la...... but seriously i think both of them had stole my heart... not only by teirs good looking... but by theirs BeautiFul Voices.............p/s- serius rindu gile mlm2 cuti kt skolah dlu.......... esp time ustz wan bg ceramah ....cnfirm x tido................klu mlm2 cuti antara org2 yg awl dtg surau....hehehe...........
ish2,,.... nakal gak aku nih dlu.....hehehe..........NEVER JUDGE A BOOK by ITS COVER..........................
wehhh.. rindu jugak
ReplyDeleteseriyes. ustaz wan baca sedappp.. best.. rindu aa nak dgr lg.. sob3..
aku ade gak dgr lgu sami yusuf. lgu my mother.. touching gile. suara dia.. Ya Allah.. meruntun jiwa betol.. huhu.. syabbas !
AAh..... itulah...dlu2 x terpikir nk buat recording ngn Ust Wan......hehehe.... klu x msti skang bley dgr slle.......... dh la nebudak non-Tasawuf jarang2 nk dgr...........waaa