Merantau banyak menjadikan diriku kenal alam ciptaanNya dan lebih mendekatkanku dengan yang Maha Pencipta. Dan mengajarku erti tawakal..
Monday, June 28, 2010
i'm BacK..
my CT Fatimah...3** .. I'm Back...wee....
cant wait for my beloved rum8 to be here... enjoy the ExcItement...
hurm... being here again at last after going through hustle and bustle of life ....
days back are seriously killing me softly~ because of boredom..
At last i manage to put myself into a Good mood.... Online!! yup...
The best way to keep alive on this GolDen LanD...haha..
cant wait for my beloved rum8 to be here... enjoy the ExcItement...
WHen The TRuTh is Revealed....
A true leader journey begins from his heart, from his soul. It is a common thing that we should ponder ourselves, every single person wants to be a good person, they want to help others, but through their own way. By choosing your own way without guidance is the first false step to take in your life. Such action could lead you to nowhere and even worse is that you are going to waste your time and effort no knowing what you are doing. You could amaze yourself or others with the achievement but hey, what does this really mean? Is worthy or is it worthless? That is not the best time for you to start thinking, that should be your first step before you do anything.
hahaha~ are you guys agree with me? I believe that BiG SucCess start from a small steps.. and that is why i chose IPG Kampus DRI to be my next home for another four and a half year..
p/s : sorry for this.. I actually being so bored here..
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Rejab : Pengertian, Peristiwa Penting dan Amalan
kebesaran atau kemuliaan dan ia membawa maksud bulan yang dibesarkan atau dimuliakan.
Masyarakat Jahiliyah menamakan bulan ini dengan bulan Rejab kerana mereka memulia dan menghormati bulan ini dengan mengharamkan berperang di dalamnya.Dan Rasulullah SAW mengekalkan nama ini dan mengharamkan pertumpahan darah di bulan Rejab.
Dan bagi umat Islam, kita memperingati dan memuliakan Rejab sempena dengan peristiwa besar yang berlaku kepada Rasulullah SAW iaitu peristiwa Isra' dan Mi'raj.
Peristiwa Penting
1.Hijrah Pertama Hijrah ke Habsyah (Ethiopia)
2. Isra' dan Mi'raj
Isra'dan Mi'raj ertinya Rasulullah SAW dijalankan dari Mekah ke Baitulmuqaddis di waktu malam dan diangkat ke langit bertemu Allah SWT dan untuk mengambil kewajipan solat 5 waktu dari Allah SWT
3. Perang Tabuk
Tabuk adalah mengambil nama sempena nama satu tempat di Utara Semenanjung Arab di mana Rasulullah SAW dan 30 ribu tentera Islam berkumpul. Tidak berlaku pertempuran kerana tentera Rom telah melarikan diri kerana takut dan gerun kepada kekuatan dan kecekalan tentera Islam yang sanggup menghadapi berbagai kesukaran.
4. Pembebasan Baitul-Muqaddis
Baitul Muqaddis telah dibuka pada zaman Saidina Umar Al-Khattab RA di zaman pemerintahannya. Akibat kelalaian dan perpecahan uamat Islam di zaman pemerintahan Abasiyah, umat Kristian (tentera Salib) telah melakukan serangan demi serangan ke atas Baitul Muqaddis dan akhirnya dapat menawan kota suci Baitul Muqaddis setelah 500 tahun dikuasai oleh pemerintahan Islam. Tentera Salib telah menduduki Baitul Muqaddis hampir 60 tahun sebelum dibebaskan kembali oleh panglima Islam terkenal Salehuddin Al-Ayubi. Beliau telah berjaya menawan kembali Baitul Muqaddis dari tangan tentera Salib pada hari Jumaat, 27 Rejab 583H. Dan pada tahun 1967 bersamaan 1387H umat Yahudi pula menawan Baitul Muqaddis (Palestin) dan menamakan negara baru mereka dengan nama Israel.
Nama sebenar Imam Syafie RH ialah Muhammad bin Idris. Beliau lahir di Ghuzah, Palestin pada tahun 150H bersamaan 767 Masehi dalam bulan Rejab. Beliau adalah salah seorang dari empat imam mazhab yang besar dalam dunia Feqah. Malaysia mengamalkan mazhab Syafie. Diantara peninggalan imam Syafie RH yang tiada ternilai harganya dan menjadi rujukan sehingga sekarang ialah kitab al-Umm.
tiada amalan-amalan khusus tetapi disunatkan kita untuk :
- meningkatkan amalan solat sunat
- berpuasa
- menunaikan umrah
- memperbanyakkan bacaan Al-Quran
- Qiyamullail
Semoga kau tenang di sana...
KetentuanNya tiada siapa yang tahu .. Hanya Allah yang Maha Kuasa Mengetahui bagaimana, dan bila kita akan mati.. tidak kiralah sama ada dengan cara yang perlahan ataupun drastik tapi apa yang pasti apabila tiba masanya nanti malaikat izrail akan datang menjalankan tugasnya dengan penuh amanah tanpa sesaat pun dilengahkannya.. Namun begitu, sudah bersediakah kita untuk masa itu? Tepuk dada tanya iman.. Rata-rata setiap individu menyatakan bahawa setiap yang sakit akan mati dan setiap yang tua akan menemui ajalnya.. namun begitu kita lupa bahawa semuannya adalah ketentuan Yang Maha Esa...
Jika dikehendaki olehNya saya yang sedang meninta di blog ini untk dipanggil pulang ke pangkuannya, boleh sahaja Dia melakukannya dalam sekelip mata.. Namun begitu.. bersediakah saya,kita dengan amalan-amalan dan bekalan untuk kehidupan selepas itu... Tidak mustahil bagi yang muda untuk untuk dipanggil pulang...
baru-baru ini saya mendapat tahu beberapa rakan sebaya telah dipanggil menghadap Pencipta.. Al-Fatihah. Benarlah seperti yang dikatakan betapa peritnya bila kita kehilangan sahabat yang kita pernah kenali . Segala memori terbit dan kenangan itu muncul satu persatu. Kita tidak mampu melakukan apa-apa melainkan membacakan Al-Fatihah dan surah Yasin lalu bersedekahkan kepadanya.Hal ini menyedarkan saya, bila tibanya masa kita dipanggil kembali semua harta benda duniawi tidak dapat turut sama dibawa pergi. Hanya diri yang dipanggil menghadap Illahi... Insaflah dan bertaubatlah..
p/s : Sesungguhnya kita gagal menghargai sesuatu semasa adanya, dan kta hanya menyedari betapa berharganya sesuatu itu setelah kita kehilangannya.... Jadi hargailah setiap apa yang kamu ada (ibu bapa, adik beradik,sahabat, guru,kenalan) dengan sebaik-baiknya..
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Love Story ~ KCB 1
This is a story.. The one that express the real way of me dreaming of getting the Mr. Right.
I read somewhere about ‘Mencintai kerana Allah’ or ’Loving you because of God’. It was a nice Malay blog entry. I am aiming for that kind of love now. It sounds more pure than romantic love, to me. And this is the real things that happened to me a few days back..
‘What’s your dream guy like?’ a friend asked me one day while we ride on a bus
I didn’t replied him immediately though (if u know me, thn there's the reason why) , ‘and have you found him?’ he added quickly.
‘Why do you want to know’ I politely asked with a smile.
‘Well, only asking,’ he replied calmly. Then there were silent. The road was wet due to the rain. It was soon before the bus reached my home.
‘Was he like me?’ he then added. He was hinting something, I knew. I’ve been waiting for this moment all this year. And this could be a dream come true, but..
‘My dream guy is,’ I began ‘Someone who can guide me, you know, he leads and I follow,’ Then I paused.
‘I can be the guy,’ He said confidently. (somehow i felt sumthin, a happy one but i never show to him :] )
There was silence again, a long one. The bus finally reached my home. I said goodbyes to him and walked to my front door. I wave before the busaccelerated again. He smiled to me even though I didn’t gave him the answer. He was a nice guy but he couldn‘t be the guy. Because… he too nice
I want to live with a guy who could guide me, so that I can get closer to My Creator. I want a man who can lead as an Imam, in every prayers that we’re gonna do together as married couple. A man who would tell Islamic history as a bed-time-stories to our children in the future. I want a man who’ll read the holly Quran to me, to cheer me every time I’m down. That is my dream guy and before I can meet him, I knew I need to fix myself first.
One beautiful Saturday afternoon, I was at a function (jst follow my parents ) . There were many students all gathered. That’s when I met him. He’s not just decent but he has the characteristic of my dream guy. Every time our eyes met accidentally during the event, he quickly moved away his stare. That convinced me, even more. I knew he’ll be a good amir, a leader of a family. Secretly I prayed: O‘ Allah, I want that kind of guy as a partner in life. At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. I want to go to Jannah (the heaven) with him! I’ll wait here and I know the wait is worthy....
p/s : i Pray meeting with the One that can guide me to the Light of islam and be the best Muslimah
and wait for the next My Love Story- KcB 2. InsyaAllah
I read somewhere about ‘Mencintai kerana Allah’ or ’Loving you because of God’. It was a nice Malay blog entry. I am aiming for that kind of love now. It sounds more pure than romantic love, to me. And this is the real things that happened to me a few days back..
‘What’s your dream guy like?’ a friend asked me one day while we ride on a bus
I didn’t replied him immediately though (if u know me, thn there's the reason why) , ‘and have you found him?’ he added quickly.
‘Why do you want to know’ I politely asked with a smile.
‘Well, only asking,’ he replied calmly. Then there were silent. The road was wet due to the rain. It was soon before the bus reached my home.
‘Was he like me?’ he then added. He was hinting something, I knew. I’ve been waiting for this moment all this year. And this could be a dream come true, but..
‘My dream guy is,’ I began ‘Someone who can guide me, you know, he leads and I follow,’ Then I paused.
‘I can be the guy,’ He said confidently. (somehow i felt sumthin, a happy one but i never show to him :] )
There was silence again, a long one. The bus finally reached my home. I said goodbyes to him and walked to my front door. I wave before the busaccelerated again. He smiled to me even though I didn’t gave him the answer. He was a nice guy but he couldn‘t be the guy. Because…
I want to live with a guy who could guide me, so that I can get closer to My Creator. I want a man who can lead as an Imam, in every prayers that we’re gonna do together as married couple. A man who would tell Islamic history as a bed-time-stories to our children in the future. I want a man who’ll read the holly Quran to me, to cheer me every time I’m down. That is my dream guy and before I can meet him, I knew I need to fix myself first.
One beautiful Saturday afternoon, I was at a function (jst follow my parents ) . There were many students all gathered. That’s when I met him. He’s not just decent but he has the characteristic of my dream guy. Every time our eyes met accidentally during the event, he quickly moved away his stare. That convinced me, even more. I knew he’ll be a good amir, a leader of a family. Secretly I prayed: O‘ Allah, I want that kind of guy as a partner in life. At nights before I slept, I thought of going to a place. Somewhere faraway and seemed hard to reach but I knew its reachable. And if possible, I wanted to go there with someone that I loved. I want to go to Jannah (the heaven) with him! I’ll wait here and I know the wait is worthy....
p/s : i Pray meeting with the One that can guide me to the Light of islam and be the best Muslimah
and wait for the next My Love Story- KcB 2. InsyaAllah
Good tips to Always Look Young and feel Younger.. (^-^)
Reasons to Smile
1. Smiling makes us attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away ,but a smile draws them in.
2.Smiling changes our mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. revent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure
When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home.
Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day!you'll look younger and feel better.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Confuse?? T_T
holidays seem to be dull without nothing to do and no where to go.. and now after the trip i had in Langkawi make me think...and think... about me.. Who I am?? I'm still lost.. confuse in looking for the Right path...
Oh no..Hana U need to wake up..
Wake Up Giant........................................................................................................................
a lot of opportunity came in our life.
We need to choose either grab it or drop it.
the opportunity just came once.
it may change our life.
it doesn't change anything.
we can't decide what the right decision to be made.
we need help to make decision.
nobody can help us.
Sometimes...when we lose it, we'll regret.
Sometimes...when we grab it, we had a joy.
Sometimes...we just waiting it to be true. came when we need it. never come although we wish for it.
So, when it come, choose the right decision and grab it as you wish for...
Ten Things??
Ten things we waste :-

1. Our Knowledge: Wasted by not taking action with it.
2. Our Actions: Wasted by committing them without sincerity.
3. Our Wealth: Wasted by using on things that will not bring us ajr (reward from Allah). We waste our money, our status, our authority, on things which have no benefit in this life or in akhirah (hereafter).
4. Our Hearts: Wasted because they are empty from the love of Allah, and the feeling of longing to go to Him, and a feeling of peace and contentment. In it's place, our hearts are filled with something or someone else.
5. Our Bodies: Wasted because we don't use them in ibadah (worship) and service of Allah.
6. Our Love: Our emotional love is misdirected, not towards Allah, but towards something/someone else.
7. Our Time: Wasted, not used properly, to compensate for that which has passed, by doing what is righteous to make up for past deeds.
8. Our Intellect: Wasted on things that are not beneficial, that are detrimental to society and the individual, not in contemplation or reflection.
9. Our Service: Wasted in service of someone who will not bring us closer to Allah, or benefit in dunyaa(this world).
10. Our Dhikr (Remembrence of Allah): Wasted, because it does not effect us or our hearts.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wants and Desire..
I was thinking about this last night, before I went to sleep. Somehow, I'm beginning to see the folly of one of the things my parents used to teach me. They had always told me that if you want something so bad, and you couple that desire with efforts, there is no reason for you not to get it in the end. In essence, you can get everything you want. The question is just whether or not you've done everything to earn it.
Now, I respect my parents very much. Firstly, for all of their love and affection, But secondly, for bringing me up the way they did, with strict emphasis on hard work and discipline. I remember when I was a kid, my mother would make me go to school even when I was sick, so long as it was not contagious. My Dad is a there will be no way for me to cut class...hehe..
And that must have been one of the most influential drives I have ever had. Now, I'm studying in one of the teaching instituition in Terengganu... and I'm sure I've been whined about many things (wif the hostel life, my not so nice campus..u know wht i mean if u've been there) in the past, but the whole time, there was never any doubt in me that all the hardship will pay.
If not soon, than maybe later. It will pay. The way my parents taught me to look at life, everything depends on your efforts. If you get it, that means you've earned it. If you didn't get it, that means you haven't worked hard enough.But when i take a look deep in my heart, then i realize, if i chose not to study here, then i've never been FOUND the Best Friend in the whole wide world.. which is my rum8... and I'm sure that there is something that will pay off later in future. :))
p/s: i miss u dear...
Now, I respect my parents very much. Firstly, for all of their love and affection, But secondly, for bringing me up the way they did, with strict emphasis on hard work and discipline. I remember when I was a kid, my mother would make me go to school even when I was sick, so long as it was not contagious. My Dad is a Headmaster..
And that must have been one of the most influential drives I have ever had. Now, I'm studying in one of the teaching instituition in Terengganu... and I'm sure I've been whined about many things (wif the hostel life, my not so nice campus..u know wht i mean if u've been there) in the past, but the whole time, there was never any doubt in me that all the hardship will pay.
If not soon, than maybe later. It will pay. The way my parents taught me to look at life, everything depends on your efforts. If you get it, that means you've earned it. If you didn't get it, that means you haven't worked hard enough.But when i take a look deep in my heart, then i realize, if i chose not to study here, then i've never been FOUND the Best Friend in the whole wide world.. which is my rum8... and I'm sure that there is something that will pay off later in future. :))
p/s: i miss u dear...

Faith, trust and believe. Do they sound the same to you? Are they easy to be define? If yes, how do you define it? Are you saying that telling someone your biggest secret as trust? Or does it have anything to do with the responsibilities you are holding? How do people believe in things they have never seen before? There are so many questions aroused from these three words, and the answer may differ from one people to another. But what confuses me the most is the answer as to why people are lying. Different people have different reasons, and circumstances may forced them to do it.
But really, is there any circumstance that allows people to lie and get away with it? (Minus the one where you and your family’s lives are being threatened). I really think there’s none “Honesty is the best policy” is one of the oldest sayings, but as we gain more years, people are lying more and more without any guilty. “I don’t want to hurt their feelings”. “I don’t want them to hate me” . Say, if the fact that you are lying are discovered, won’t they be more hurt? Wouldn't they start to hate you from that point on forth?
I have once, wished for everyone to be honest with me. But apparently, telling me bad things about myself straight to my face is not easy. but I do not prefer talking behind others' backs eventhough it seems to be a better option.
Being honest may not be the easiest thing to do, but it’s definitely better than to keep on lying. Being honest is simply a huge mountain, after you climb over it, the obstacles will be behind you, and you don’t have to carry it anymore as a burden.
After all if you tell others the truth, you don’t have to lie or pretend anymore. Being hypocrite takes a lot of work and energy, and lying itself does not worth all the trouble you have to put up with. So pluck out the courage and speak the truth. Stick to this
The truth may hurt people, but lies hurt them more.
p/s : so dont tell lies to others...if u had, ask 4 appology so tht nothin cant stop u from having a better life in heaven
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Darah...Ambulance...... :((
Last night, I had a meeting with he Director. While waiting 4 him . I felt tht sumthing weird playing in my head. Then i pick up my phone and texting.. SENT! hurm... what was i sent? to whom? hmm... Tht's wht hppened when i got too bored..
Then, my phone vibrate, because i set it in silent mode... hehe~ klu x mau femes satu dwan teater nih...
yup.. it was her.. i smile :)). A broad one. till the YDP tht sat in front realize tht and smile back to me. :P Then, I know subconciously (*hurm..btul ke sy gna) i actually sent a sms to my beloved rum8. while listening to wht the director said..we chat and chat..(amat xbaik kan, jd jgn tiru aksi ini) and thn she told me tht She Cook tonight... Wow.. That's Great. For somebody like her, I must be very fortunate to have a meal of her cook. :)). but thn she told me tht she nd to cook as her mom cut herself while she was using blenders . and my rum8,Her wound (*i thinks insect bite) are bcming infectious. Now i knw the reason why i felt sumthing weird playing in my head. Then, I asked her either she go to the clinics.. evenhough i knw she dont hates going there, i still asked her.As i worried tht it might be worse.hehe..sori dear..
then, we talk and talk (by sms la) till i dont even realize tht ime pass-by quickly... as it was so hard for me to try to reach her as sometimes i'm afraid tht i might disturb her. At last I manage to say Good Bye even though my mind told me to hv a longer talk.. yup.. who knows as one day i might unable to send her messages anymore. hish.. wht was i'm thinking.. if she was beside me now, for sure she will pinch me for talk abt nonsense.
my Fairytale~
Live full of surprises and challenges...
and I love my frens so much <3
and it does not happened like what we want~
yeay :))
There's 19 hours left before i leave this campus and TEReNgGANu...wee... but then i havent finished packing my bags yet..hurmm... and the next morning i'll be joining few friends to a place tht gave me thousands memories.. Guess what???
i miss my Home.. my Mum, my dad, my family but for sure i'll be missing you so much my rum8, seriously these hols must be long and dull without u.. :(. Thanks 4 d survival kits tht u gave me..

i miss my Home.. my Mum, my dad, my family but for sure i'll be missing you so much my rum8, seriously these hols must be long and dull without u.. :(. Thanks 4 d survival kits tht u gave me..
Life is like a novel
Life is like a novel
Life is like a novel and every day is a new page. 19 years gave me thicker pages for my novels. There's happy,sad, excitement,dull, boredom and so many.. so if a page is sad next will b happy..
so You, hana don’t worry turn the page and enjoy the life..
so You, hana don’t worry turn the page and enjoy the life..
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HRMIS - Kemaskini Diskripsi Tugas
Assalamualaikum semua. Sekarang kebanyakan penjawat akan sibuk mengisi Deskripsi Tugas di dalam HRMIS. Jadi di sini saya nak kongsikan cara ...
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