Monday, May 31, 2010


Hurm.. for now, I miss my rum8 so much, surely without her, this room seems to be so quiet. I really want to get my phone and called her to asked how is she? are u doin fine? What about your plan abt the cupcakes

Do u miss me? hurm... so many things tht i want to talk to her.. But then i'm afraid.. Afraid tht i might disturb her.. Besides, I dont want to be the contributer. Yup.. You are not read it correctly.. yes. I dont want to be the Conributer. As, I believe phone do radiates wave tht will affect our health in a long term.. so as i know and love her.. i must be so upset if she's ge ill because of me...

p/s : i'm sorry for the daily sweet sms. I cant help myself with tht

There's something lacking..

hurm.. last night, I dont have a very good and soundly sleep. I woke up in the midle of night,and saw my side bed is empty..huhu~ why i feel that there's something lonely?hehe Maybe because wht we had is different. before this, if one of us woke up in the middle of night,then the other bed will also awake... is Like There's a CHEMISTRY  or sumthin tht connect us... Weird...  and now i felt so sleepy..:(

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cinta atau Nafsu?

Manusia pertama yang diciptakan iaitu sang Adam menikmati segala yang indah di syurga. Namun Baginda tetap berasa sunyi dan 'kehilangan'. Akhirnya Hawa diciptakan untuk menemani Adam. Barulah Adam berasa lengkap dan sempurna. Mereka bahagia di syurga dan kemudiannya kerana cintanya kepada Hawa, akhirnya mereka dihukum turun ke bumi. Manusia pertama dan kedua adalah lelaki dan wanita. Saling memerlukan dan saling melengkapi. Masa terus berlalu dan sehingga kini, lelaki dan wanita masih saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain. Masing-masing ada tarikan yang tersendiri. Wallahua'alam. 


Masing-masing pasti ada jawapan yang tersendiri. Kadang-kadang bila niat menyeleweng, bukan bernikah kerana mencari keredhaan Allah, tapi bernikah kerana ingin bermegah-megah, bernikah kerana ingin memuaskan nafsu, bernikah kerana seronok melihat orang lain bernikah, bernikah kerana terpaksa, bernikah kerana ingin memiliki si dia semata-mata, maka masjid yang terbina mudah benar runtuh, terjadilah penceraian. Ramai yang bernikah tanpa berfikir panjang, bernikah dalam keadaan mental dan fizikal yang tidak bersedia, kewangan yang tidak stabil, bernikah tanpa ilmu dan pengetahuan yang cukup menjadi antara sebab punca terjadinya sesebuah penceraian. Wallahua'alam. 

Jika dilihatkan kepada remaja msa kini, sememangnya sedih~ ramai yg hanyut krn cinta. Antara soalan yg sering shj ditanya soalan popular antr lelaki dan perempuan :

1. knp awk suka sy?
2. Awak suka sy ,sayang saya atau cinta saya?
3. knapa nk bercouple dgn sy?

dan sebagainya... sbnrnya kita adalah hamba yg lemah.. xmmpu untuk melawan smua godaan manusia.. Sesungguhnya cinta itu amat suci, sesuci embum pagi dan yang mengotorinya adalah tangan manusia itu sendiri....Jadi bagi gadis2 di luar sana.. kuatkan hati, peliharalah mahkota dirimu, sesungguhnya mahkota itu adalah yg pling berharga dalam kehidupanmu....

p/s : ini adalh sebhgian dripd tazkirah dlm Iluvislam dan sy hnya menyatakan pandangan sy, semoga kita msing2 mndapat ilmu dan pedoman
Life without a friend is death without a witness. Without friends no one would choose to live. And I one of them...hurm.. yup.. For me , I need friends more thn I need a boyfriend..hahaha~ me and a boy.. because my besties once told me tht ayat yg selalu kita dengar...

" she's/ he's my ex-gf/ ex-bf"

perkataan yg sllu buat kita happy...:


Benda yg selalu tipu kita: Cinta monyet...

benda yg selalu buat kita tensen: Result yg teruk and poiner jatuh

Yg boleh buat kita tak tentu arah :

yg susah kite jumpa: True Love.. ade ke?

Tapi cuba tgk, ade satu benda tu selalu jea kita dengar iaitu kawan..

tp jarang kita jumpa kawan yg sejati... dan yg pasti 1 ayat yg kita xkn pernah dgr sampai bila2..

" Dia tu ex-kawan ku" because 4 me once a friends we always friends...

p/s:A faithful friend is the medicine of life.A friend is a present you give to yourself.

Cantik itu subjektif~

bak kata kawan sy..cantik itu adalah subjektif... mcm sy. Cantik kan?

Cantik itu penting tetapi tidak usah terlalu dipentingkan. Ada orang hingga tidak sanggup keluar dari rumah kerana merasakan dirinya tidak cantik. Bagi wanita kecantikan adalah syarat hidup sempurna, sebenarnya bagi lelaki wanita cantik bukan syarat kebahagiaan. 

Lelaki yang mudah terpegun dengan kecantikan selalunya tidak setia. Apabila pasangannya mula kelihatan hodoh, dia mudah terkalih perasaan. Tika itu dia mungkin merasakan cintanya telah tawar dan hanya manis kembali tatkala melihat wanita-wanita cantik di sekelilingnya. 

Tidak usah perangkap lelaki dengan kecantikan anda yang palsu. Ramai wanita menghiasi wajahnya terlalu hingga memangsakan ramai lelaki tetapi kemudian ditinggalkan setelah wajah sebenar terserlah. Sudah tentu anda tidak mampu bersolek tebal 24 jam. Tapi itulah yang anda lakukan tatkala di alam percintaan. Tiba-tiba suami anda terkejut melihat anda tidaklah secantik sewaktu di alam percintaan dahulu. Tanpa mekap wajah anda biasa saja. 

Kajian saya mendapati segelintir lelaki rasa tertipu pada hari kedua perkahwinannya. Pada hari kedua dia sudah dapat melihat wajah sebenar isterinya, yang selama ini ditopengi mekap tebal 'sepuluh inci'. 

Kecantikan dan bercantik-cantik itu memang penting, tapi tak usah hingga menenggelamkan wajah anda yang sebenar. Anda tentu tidak mahu orang menggagumi anda hari ini dan esok melupakannya. Berhiaslah seadanya untuk mencerlahkan keserian wajah. 

Wajah yang berseri lebih berkesan daripada wajah 'buatan' yang kelihatan cantik sangat. Wajah yang berseri cukup dengan mekap seadanya. 

Kecantikan umpama kereta. Ketika baru dibeli, rekabentuk dan warnanya memukau. Barunya harum dan seronok dipandu. Semakin lama semakin hilang serinya. Jika harganya mahal orang masih terliur melihat reka bentuknya walaupun warnanya telah mula kedam dan berdebu. Lama-lama ia tidak dipedulikan lagi kerana model-model baru sentiasa keluar dan kecantikan model-model baru ini sentiasa mengatasi. 

Orang yang dahulunya membeli kereta berkenaan kerana cantik kini mula berfikir untuk menukarkannya. Persoalan cantik tidak akan ada kesudahan. Yang betul, membeli untuk kegunaan dan kekal sayang meskipun sudah ketinggalan zaman. 

Jika anda tidak cantik, tak usah bersusah hati sebab tidak semua lelaki mementingkan kecantikan wajah sebagai syarat berteman. Ada lelaki yang tidak kisah sama ada cantik atau tidak asalkan hatinya berkenan, bersumberkan keikhlasan, budi pekerti serta pegangan agama yang mantap. 

Lelaki yang benar-benar impikan kebahagiaan lebih mementingkan keperibadian daripada kecantikan, apalagi kecantikan luaran yang sengaja dibina untuk memukau. Kerana dia tahu kecantikan itu tidak kekal. Evolusi usia akan mengubahnya. Kecintaan yang dipahatkan oleh tautan hati yang jujur lagi ikhlas menjamin kehidupan sejahtera hingga ke penyudah. 

Sebaliknya, kecantikan yang terlalu diada-adakan, akan berakhir dengan pertingkahan apabila kecantikan sudah tidak dapat dipermodalkan. Tiada manusia boleh kekal cantik dan tiada manusia boleh kekal muda. Tiba masanya kecantikan akan hilang dan muda bertukar tua. 

Jika anda merasakan kurang cantik, ketahuilah itu hanya persepsi anda sahaja. Ukuran cantik tidak pernah sama antara seorang dengan seorang yang lain. Lihatlah orang yang kita rasakan langsung tidak cantik, kadang-kadang jodohnya dengan orang hansem; hingga kita berkata dalam hati, 'Buta ke dia?' 

Hiasi diri anda dengan keperibadian mulia, itu lebih utama untuk seorang wanita; hiasi juga wajah anda seadanya, sebab itu lumrahnya wanita. Usah terlalu merawat wajah nanti anda hilang identiti diri. Hargai diri kerana andalah 
satu-satunya; tiada duanya dan tiada tiganya. Hanya anda! 

knp mesti aku diserang?

hurm.. amat2 konfius dgn manusia zmn sekarg.. smpai skrg aku x fhm mngpa aku diserang.. bknnya satu tp diserang secara bertubi-tubi.. salahkah aku jika aku tidak mengamalkan sosialisasi dgn kaum adam.. salahkah aku klu aku hnya berkwan atau rapat dengan teman-temanku..

Bagi aku, berckp dengan kaum Adam tidak perlu melainkan ada hal yg memerlukan aku untuk bercakap.. tpulanglah..I'm Not tht kind of species like wht u were mention.. NO GEDZ! Bkn diriku la klu yg jenis manja2 tu...

But if i was like wht u were mention, jgn kerana kamu diREJECT olh kawanku aku pula mangsanya.. klu betul ada yg x puas hati, ckp face to face.. jgn la ckp belakang2.. Cme aku x suke..ama2 x suke.. tu lah bgsa kita.. sedih aku.. bila tgk org lain bahagia mulalah panas punggung, dh tak tentu arah nk duduk.. SENGSARA melihat KEBAHAGIAN org lain.. Aku x fhm knp.... KLu xbrani face to face, just pick up the phone...or else i'll just let it be..
MISS CALL u made to me = U're a chicken...

/s: jika sakit hati melhat kbhagian org lain, jgn plk buat diri kamu dibenci

Saturday, May 29, 2010

For the First Time

Yeay... At last i manage to heal the feeling of being alone in this campus since my beloved roomate had left..(though i know she might be worrying abt leaving me all alone here..dnt worry Ah, I'll be OK.. (^_^)). The Survival kits kn ad>>

FUN FAIR!!~ The biggest one tht Terengganu ever had..(*hurm mybe this is the first).. Thanks o AZIMAH,NANA,ANIS,WAni,NAd,SAlmira,Syeema,and Asida for actually asked me to join u guys.. U guys seriously make me happy..Seriously life without friends wont be fun especially your besties is not around. Miss her so much..

Hurm... actually I had been to a fun fair before but its wif my family but now i'm goin with friends so of course it will be different.. CRaZY...yup. that's the best words to express everything ttht i had last night.
there were so many ride, I rode a couple of them.. ChALLENGER and Top GUn .. and After tht i was so ashamed as i vomit as i had not ate anything since tht morning.. so tht's why...

Life is full of surprises kan?? I never thought tht i dare to have such a ride... i will be dead meat if my 'Lover' know abt this..Cause this might affect my life and bla..bla..bla....***


What i had was Great but then i realize tht there's something lacking.. I dont really had the real excitement. I felt like there's something missing.. it just the excitement tht i had here is not the same like wht i had when i with her, my besties (my beloved rum8)... hurm... Sincerely i do feel great when i wif her.. A broad smile. ;)). There's No Secret between us... When I got scared, confuse and when there's a problem tht i nd a shoulder to lean on.. it always be her... Sorry dear for tht. Cause sumthin i make u worry..

Friday, May 28, 2010

I dont want to close my eyes

i dont wanna close my eyes... i dont wanna fall asleep..
cause i miss you and i dont want to miss a thing


I secretly think a guy and a girl can never be just best friends.
One of them will definitely fall for the other.

there's goes 9 years....

A battle . 9 years battling with 'it' eiher night and days.. and like most of the time tht i've heard mybe for the rest of my lives. "Be Strong", " U can make it"...hurm..but for me it was tough..real though if without support of my family, mom and dad ,friends (especially my roomates)

But recently, thankfully, I have felt much, much better in myself and happier, and I feel that there is a purpose to my existence. I just hope this feeling lasts for a very long time, now its here.

I have a very good life, I have everything I need and want in my life, and more! And I even learn new things. A new favorite songs genre. English to Japanese and Koreans.. Boyish to a very graceful girl..hehehe...So I'm a very, very lucky woman.No..No. I only 19.Still a girl..yup. A lucky Girl. But I have, like everyone has, those things that just make me so much happier and make my day so much more worthwhile and better.

By being here, jus ryte here, ryte here where i stand.. I had everything.. for now~


I know that you are not perfect and nor can I claim to be either,

but please believe me, when I say that I want to be by your side,

to hold your hand going hrough challenges,

to treasure you in the morning and in the noon-tide,

to be next to you, to be held close to your heart now and for the rest of my living years,

to comfort you,

dry your tears and calm your most frightening fears,

to fight your battles and show no shame to scream my love for you out loud all over the land

Those doesnt mean tht it is necessary for me to be somebody 'special' in your life to express tht as

A friend can also express it in the exact same way

p/s: like wht my fren says 11.11 means tht sumbdy is missing u

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dreams only last one night

Once there's a person that told me dreams only last for one nights but love stay forever~ yup.. when he's gone.. the simple words seems so hard to be digest by me...

Why? Why? why dream cannot last forever? We don’t dream of normal things or things that are within our grasp. ryte?We dream of things that seem impossible or unreal or things that are just out of reach.

We dream and we dream and hope that one day, it just might come true. Sometimes we work hard to pave steps, however small, to go towards that dream. Other times we are just content to live in our dreams, where everything is possible and anything can happen. So, Dreams not only last for one night kan?

hurm.. what i dreamt of?

For sure I dream of turning back time. I dream of going back to a time when I was happy and life was uncomplicated like now. I dont wan to grow up.. as I grow up, my imagination and all those 'Memories' will fade slowly... besides, it is hard to grow up when you live in a community that are not matured yet.. rs2nye.. based on my experience and observation ..

And of course I dream of being with him again. yup.. the one tht always comfort me whn i'm down, the one who helps me to settle the problem. The one tht always been there besides me to share stories and everything. So many things tht sometimes make me shed the warm liquids on my cheeks when all those memories started to play in my medulla oblongata. Hurm.. I miss the way of he treated as a friend..hehe..friend??.. If and only if i could turn back time.. but then if I turned it back... I will Lost the most precious tht i never had before. The lost tht already foun
d, like the one tht i wrote in my bEbply books.Nobody ever read tht yet...The most Precious is Her... *wish u read this dear... yup.. seriously your present in my life gave me strength to keep moving on.And thats why sometimes you may hv a thought tht i Over caring kan2?.. and I'm Sorry..because I such a troublesome.. I creates problem more than wht i've done to help you :((... But after all, I always pray for ur health, HappIness and Success... Sarangheyo ~;))

I dream of living in raiekimi land (a place for me), of living in a secret world where there's only happiness. No pain and violence. where there is only me and you. Yup. Only us.. Where there is shopping complexs, sports centre, shopping complexs, and shopping complexs and ShOPpiNG ...and wee..(with excitement) I love it especially when I'm with her. (n_o) ,The best moments tht i ever had with my friend.

But the truth is, every night I say a little prayer hoping that i would dream of him, as i Miss Him so much..dont know why. My frens do asked me, why sometimes for someone tht we love so much ,he/she is being took away from us... and there's i uttering not even a word..*speechless.... Every night I pray for my friends and him so tht i could be with him for one more time and to make sure tht the bonds of friendship tht i had with her (the one) will last foreva till we'll meet again in Jannah. Her love and friendship, that was all i needed, at least for now

When There's A Believe, There's A MaGic.. ^-^

yup... maGic... hurm....
actually wht i'm tryin to say here is the wonder and magic of friendship~ yup..


for those who know me, they know who i am... and i do hope they know thAT i LOVE them so much..but sometimes it seems so hard for me to express I'm SORRY dear..

and b4 i forgot, i want to thanks all my frens and teachers who had wished me for my BIrthday..

1. Short and simple messages but means a lot to me

2. A ride on a bus to my kampus wih my best friend aka roomate..

3. Shopping

4. Birtday cards

5. Cutey Star....

6. Drawing

7. Pictures of me and her..

8. Her precious of excited 'little' SMilLE

After all... Thanks to >>> my mom and my dad for the birthday wishes.
* my rum8 aka my besties... for the short and meaningful sms
*friends....MAths @ and Maths 1
*my Teachers...
Thank You so Much for the Wishes..I'll try to do the best ht i can for this 19

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Teacher's Day!!

this wonderful morning make me smile to my cheek..hehe~

Today , Things to do:

  1. Wish my Mom and Dad ~ Happy Teacher's Day...
  2. Wish my um8 yg tersayang.....
  3. Wish my Teachers...MRSM LANgkawi, SMK Jitra, SK Tunjang,Sk Padang perahu, SK Binjal... and sgala2 Sk yg berkaitan dgn Diriku....
  4. wishing my classmates..... even we are not a true teacher yet...
  5. Attend campus activities
  6. Card delivery...... CHOCOLATES!! I LOve It...Thank You AH....
  7. Join the explorace?? Hurm... depends...
  8. Wishing my coach....
  9. Having he best Teacher's celebration eva....

Hope everything goes well~ I LOVE MY TEACHERS...


amat lama~

huhu~ sudah lama sgt aku x membuka warkah ku ini... smuanya kerana connection internet yg amat2 slow kt kampus... sedihnye...... hahaha~ xde2..skg nih masanye untuk aku pnuhkan blik kamar warkahku ni..... so..

I'M BACK~ waits for update posts....

~~ wait and see~~

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