Assalammualaikum wbt..
in the name of Allah the Most Gracious and Merciful...
a little new things are added now to my intro atau pembuka bicara. My friend told me that it will be better if i add it. as at the same time while blogging, i still remember Him and thankful for everything..
okay. enough about it for a while. for now, i would love to congrates >>>>
for being selected as the new leadership of JPP.
i think it is better to put the poster here. jangan marah deh :P |
Congrates sayang...^^. saya sangat-sangat la teruja and excited. rasa cam nak nanges pun ada. One of your wishes in now comes true. This is your time to shine. Use it well. InsyaAllah, this shows that people put their trust on you and dont need to be worried of not manage to do this and that. For me, as long as we manage to perform our duty sebaik dan menggalas amanah ini dengan baik InsyaAllah, difficult things at first wil be ease . If we do things in the name of Allah, He will always be listening and supporting you.
Next time, when we are going out, its my treat k. ^_^
Tak sangka, dah dua tahun berlalu. :) berkat sokongan rakan-rakan dan keluarga, akhirnya mampu tamatkan tahun tersebut dengan jayanya! Alhamdulillah, thankyou dear.
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah.. yup. and only one year to go..huhuh.. All the best for the next BIG EVENTss... SPRK and WEDs.