"day here past very fast "........ does it or does not???
seriously i dont know.... what i know is i cant wait to go back home,,,,,,,,,..
actually i post this post as i really hate to carry the burden anymore.....
":Melayu Mudah Lupa" quotes by Tun Dr Mahathir himself.... and know i know why he say such things...
life in KDRI has been so much*******.......... and i still cnnot accept it........... but each day that i going through is merish by a fake smile and nrdy fc............(*sorry cnnot write fully sentence here)
i think it is my mistake too...as i still amlkn sgla mcm benda tat we learn in my prev school... and in my perception i thought that people cant accept it but i was wrong.... all the kutuk'ing and 'cakp2 blkg i kna,.... even sumtimes i need to do all the works (group work esp English) all by myself............. as they kept giving me excuse tht they think i'm better in tht and they not>>>
haihz... seriously i hate those people that dare not to pull out they swords to go for a war but always kept the white flags high up in the air... weird kan org Melayu nih??? everything that gave benefits to them to make their work easier make they always fight for it even that is wrong... so wrong.............
and 'them' always stay in a comfort zone.............. they seriously dare not to go out from the comfort zne and try to risk sumthin............. (* mat rempit tidak terkira k...........)
even in study only a few 'them' that has the spirit to try to let go the comfrt zne.............. and i really respect these few peoples.....
haihz... as i got class this morning....... jd post nih agk bercmpur2....
at last ... terasa ringan sket all those burden...............
kpd yg terbaca dan yang dh baca ... sorry la terpaksa dengar luahan hati yang dh bercelaru dah penuh nih.............. kk....
dh xnk pikir2 lg abt 'them'/..........
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